Tax Invoice Under UAE VAT Law

Tax Invoice is a written or electronic archive in which the taxable person records complete details of taxable supplies made during the financial year. The Federal Law Number (8) of 2017 concerning the Value Added Tax (the VAT Law) sets down the necessary elements required for a Tax Invoice along with the Executive Regulation Number 52 of 2017 concerning regulations on VAT (the VAT Regulation). It is fundamental that all taxable activities issued under the VAT […]

By |February 5th, 2018|

Five Provisions Of The Tax Reform Act That Will Affect Tax-Exempt Organizations

Although most of the attention from the Tax Reform Act signed by President Trump on December 22, 2018 (Public Law 115-9, informally known as the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”), has focused on provisions in the Act that affect individuals and businesses, there are a number of provisions that are specifically applicable to exempt organizations.

This Stroock Special Bulletin discusses five significant provisions in the Tax Reform Act that affect tax-exempt organizations starting in 2018.

To […]

By |February 1st, 2018|

Panama Removed From The EU List Of Non-Cooperative Tax Jurisdictions

Panama was removed from the list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes of the European Union, also known as the blacklist. The decision made in Brussels by the Ministers of Finance included 8 jurisdictions that are now part of the grey list, composed by 55 countries.

The grey list is formed by countries committed to modify its laws to comply with the European Union’s standards in matters of transparency and cooperation.

The permanence in the grey […]

By |January 29th, 2018|