US Tax Reform Measures Affecting Foreign Multinationals

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed broad tax reform legislation into law that, among other things, reduced the corporate income tax rate to 21 percent and reformed the US international tax system. This article focuses on key aspects of the Final US Tax Legislation that will impact FMNEs with US inbound investments and operations.
On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed broad tax reform legislation into law that, among other things, reduced the […]

By |January 19th, 2018|

Asia Tax Bulletin Winter 2017/2018

The past three months have seen many tax developments in Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, China and India. Just to pick a few, China (finally) issued its circular on the conditions for dividend withholding tax deferral if the foreign shareholder(s) reinvest the funds in China. China has now clarified the requirements for claiming the super-deduction for qualifying R&D and it amended its withholding tax rules applicable to foreign investors, especially with respect to shares in […]

By |January 17th, 2018|

The U.S. Tax Cuts And Jobs Act: Fundamental Changes To Business Taxation

Signed into law December 22, 2017, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” represents the most comprehensive reform to the U.S. federal tax code in a generation. The Act’s most notable provisions include significant reductions in both corporate and individual tax rates, the immediate expensing of 100 percent of the cost of certain business assets, a deduction for certain categories of pass-through income, and the creation of a partially territorial system that no longer taxes […]

By |January 15th, 2018|