Austria In International Tax Planning

Austrian holding companies fall under the normal Austrian tax system (tax rate of 25%) but dividends and capital gains are in general exempt under the participation exemption. However, the lack of special provisions for holding companies sets Austria apart from tax havens.

In 1992, Austria set up a law on Private Foundations. Such Private Foundations can be used for each purpose, ie. not only for charitable purposes, and therefore especially for tax and succession planning.

Austria […]

By |September 21st, 2016|

Paying Taxes With Central Bank Securities (“TBCs”)

The Central Bank is authorized to issue securities known as TBCs (by their Spanish acronym). The TBCs are delivered to contractors as payment for goods or services provided to the Ecuadorian State. The Monetary and Financial Policy and Regulation Board is the entity that authorizes the Central Bank to issue TBCs which must be fully supported with Central Bank assets.

There are two ways for trading (buying-selling) the TBCs as determined by the Finance Ministry:
a. […]

By |September 16th, 2016|

Disability Tax Credit – Personal Tax Credits – Toronto Tax Lawyer Analysis

If you have one or more severe and prolonged impairments that restrict your ability to perform a basic activity of daily living, you may be eligible to claim the Canadian disability tax credit on your personal income tax return. The amount of the credit is dependant on your circumstances, but can be as high as $1,900.20 per year, as a direct reduction of your Canadian income tax payable to CRA. The income tax credit […]

By |September 14th, 2016|